can't access variables

Discussion about the use of Simantics System Dynamics
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can't access variables

Post by pedrosfaria » December 28th, 2016, 11:11 pm

Semantics is a really good idea and it seems to have loads of potential. However, I've been trying to follow the very basic tutorial ( ... _Modelling) and I hit some issues. I am not able to run the model. I do press "Experiments" and then activate and then press the play, but nothing happens. Or maybe it happens, but I can't see any results. When I am in the "system Dynamics Perspective" it just doesn't let me select a variable. If I try to select a variable it immediately tries to create a relationship (as if I pressed the Alt button) and I can't access the variable. I've tried to reinitialize the model, but no luck. Any suggestions?

[meanwhile I found I can go to other models in the "SD perspective" and it works OK there. I also found that the model actually runs and I can select variables by using the list in the "configuration" drop-down of variables.]
Tuomas Miettinen
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Re: can't access variables

Post by Tuomas Miettinen » January 9th, 2017, 10:08 am

Have you accidentally clicked the "Create Dependency" toggle button in the toolbar (the blue arrow, the fifth one from left)? At least seems to replicate your behavior.
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